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Chevening Parish Council

Chevening Parkland PLEASE EMAIL

8th November 2022

Reminder – Chevening Parkland PLEASE EMAIL!

Please share your views with Laura Trott laura.trott.mp@parliament.uk requesting her urgent and decisive action to prevent this proposal - and to the Secretary of Chevening Estates mailto:info@cheveninghouse.com to ensure the Trustees are aware of the depth of public feeling in this regard

Chevening Estates are proposing to convert the agricultural Green Belt & AONB land between Chevening Road Chevening and Turvins Farm into a Parkland. Along with landscaping, they are constructing bunds (hills) on the land in some places up to 12m high – (that is the height of 3 double decker buses) with trees on the top.

The reason for the landscaping is to “improve the setting of the various heritage assets by creating earthwork landscaped mounds to screen the estate from the harm caused by the adjacent elevated section of the M25 motorway system and by extending the parkland setting surrounding the estate”

• The creation of the Parkland will destroy existing agricultural land at a time when locally sourced food is more essential than ever
• The project will involve 100 lorry movements a day, 5 days a week for over 5 years with the environmental impact that will be generated with that much traffic and pollution with the unnecessary transportation of this volume of landfill
• The water from the existing farmland runs into the water course in Dunton Green introducing “foreign” soil into that area could damage the water quality and marine life downstream of the Parkland for many years to come
• If the Parkland goes ahead it will potentially be 20 years before the land recovers from the impact of the changes upon it, with the resultant impact on the “approach to the heritage asset” Chevening House
• The M25 has been there for over 40 years – why has this now become a problem?
• There is negligible public benefit to this proposal and huge public detriment
• The deliberate destruction of green belt to create green belt makes no rational or economic sense


Chevening Parish Council exists to provide local services to Chipstead, Chevening, Bessels Green and other rural areas within the parish.

Clerk to Chevening Parish Council
Judith Hayton

16 Beaconfields, Sevenoaks
Kent, TN13 2NH

Telephone: 07981 759255